Sunday, October 30, 2011

Review: The Tourist David Coles and Jack Everett

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 441 KB
  • Publisher: Acclaimed Books (August 5, 2011)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English

Product Description


Robert Cleghorn was a good soldier, so good that he was first selected to join the Special Forces and following a head injury, was recruited by the CIA. A second head injury hospitalized him and psychiatrists rebuilt his memories from what they could recover.

He escapes from the hospital where he was a virtual prisoner and goes to find the love of his life: his brother’s wife and a typically English rose. Always on a knife-edge, Robert quarrels with and kills his sibling.
Finding his brother was about to go to England, Robert assumes the other’s identity and heads for the UK. Blithely unaware that the memories of his beloved are artificial, unaware of the mayhem about to erupt and the very astute English copper soon to be seeking him and unaware, too, of the Americans dogging his footsteps, Robert soldiers on. The fun is about to start.

My Review

Wonderful thriller that features British detective Stewart White who is pursuing American Robert Cleghorn.  Robert has assumed his dead brother Alan's identity after doing away with him.  Robert sets off to Britain in pursuit of his sister-in-law, Stephanie.  Robert Cleghorn has had a past that has left him brain damaged and dangerous.  He was in the Special Forces and the CIA so he has been trained to hunt and kill.

This isn't my usual type of read...a little bit more descriptive of gore than my usual but still it all fits the story, it is not gratuitous.  Hard to put down book with the action moving a fast pace.  Good characters and a good story make The Tourist a great read!  Pick up the Kindle edition for only $2.99 on Amazon.

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