Thursday, December 4, 2014

Review: NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible Explore the King's Love for His People on a Cover-to-Cover Journey Through the Bible

  • Format: Kindle Edition
  • File Size: 5198 KB
  • Print Length: 1536 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
  • Publisher: Zondervan; Lea edition (Sept. 9 2014)
  • Sold by: Zondervan CA (CA SOR)
  • Language: English

Book Description

A new read-through-the-Bible Bible divided in manageable portions and featuring deep and relevant devotionals that bring readers close to the heart of God.

As they journey through the Bible from cover to cover, readers will appreciate how the NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible will help them through tough spots such as Numbers and Leviticus while giving them deeper understanding of the Scriptures and connecting them with the heart of its Author. Readers will experience rich insights into the original contexts of Scripture, and God's heart will be unveiled in new ways.

This Bible includes 365 engaging devotions to serve as your tour guide, walking you through Genesis to Revelation in manageable portions. Each devotion includes a summary section of the Scripture passage, an application section that reveals God's good heart, and an insight section that ties each passage into the rest of God's great story.

As you experience God's Word through this devotional Bible, you'll see his divine fingerprints from beginning to end, even in the most unexpected places. And you'll encounter a deeper, fuller picture of the Jesus you thought you knew.

Whether you are starting out on your first steps or a seasoned traveler, let the NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible open your eyes to God's good heart. Join him in his story. And experience a more intimate walk with him.

My Review

This review is for the ebook version of the NIV Discover God's Heart Devotional Bible Explore the King's Love for His People on a Cover-to-Cover Journey Through the Bible. 

I enjoy devotional bibles that are available as ebooks as you can have them on your Kindle (or Nook), your tablet and your phone. I like that they are readily available to the reader. I randomly checked hyperlinks in the ebook and they all worked. This is always a plus!

I like devotional bibles as they provide insight into the bible that is different than a study bible. There are 312 devotions which is devotions for six days of the week for a full year. Each book of the bible also has an introduction which is helpful as it is always nice to be able to get a quick summary of the book.

There are several study plans at the end of the ebook:
  • 90 day reading plan (A Tour of the Bible Reading Plan)
  • 30 days for new Christians reading plan
  • 30 days with Jesus reading plan
  • 30 themes in Psalms
  • 30 stories you’ve probably never heard
  • 30 stories of Love and Friendship

Check out Walk Thru the Bible's web site:

Zondervan site:

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